Stories for the Heart at  Sladebank Woods

A weekend retreat sailing on the sea of stories, enjoying the wonders of traditional tale and creatively excavating the depths they invite us to explore. 

Imaginative Restorative Reflective   Creative   Transformative

14-16 July 2023

Email to enquire

NEW RETREAT: Hill House Sanctuary, 12-14 Jan 2024

Artur Rutkowski - Unsplash

Stories for the Heart is a workshop retreat for anyone interested in the medicine of storytelling who wants to experience and explore how we can use both true and traditional tales for personal and communal healing, for empowerment, understanding, connection and social change.

In the beautiful woodland, roundhouse, fire circle and workshop spaces of Sladebank Woods, we will spend two days: 

Listening to traditional stories 

Sharing true stories

Excavating the gifts that these stories have to offer us

Connecting with ourselves, the land and each other 

Enjoying creativity in nature

Dancing, playing, reflecting 

Going off the map into the deep magic of the imagination

The weekend will involve: 


Discussing and exploring the power of stories

Time for personal reflection and solo practice

Space to share stories, poems and songs 

Plenty of food 

Games & celebration

Time exploring the wonderful countryside we'll be in

The invitation is to come and spend a moment of your summer exploring the strength, resilience, hope and understanding that stories can offer us, and to take some of this wild magic back into the world - a secret gift for peace and change.


 Fri 14 July

Stories for the Heart starts at 19:30 with an evening of stories round the fire

Sat 15 July

10:00 - 22:00 - including an evening celebration from 20:00-22:00

Sun 16 July 



- buy full price tickets here  or contact Hannah to discuss what works  for you. 

Accommodation and food will need to be arranged independently. 


Some camping is available on site for an additional £20 for the weekend - please email me for details.

Sladebank is within walking distance of the centre of Stroud where there are airbnbs and other accommodation options available.

For any further information please email